
With teaching and learning styles evolving, and the use of technology advancing, this proposal will provide the necessary school infrastructure, with modern fit for purpose facilities, that support the educational needs, growth and development of 1,100 pupils.

An extensive review of the School’s estate highlighted that classrooms in the 1920’s W Block no longer meet the Department of Education space standards and are not fit for purpose.

A study by the School's structural engineers showed that due to the way the W block is built, it is not possible to adjust the internal layout to provide larger classrooms without almost completely dismantling and rebuilding the structure.

With more than 12,000 individual usages each year, the Swimming Pool which was built in the 1960’s, and the 1950’s Dining Hall, serving over 700 boys daily, are no longer fit for purpose.


The Soane Building is one of the most iconic buildings in Belfast and the proposed new South Wing has been designed to specifically complement it. When viewed from College Square East, the proposed new building will have a better scale and style in comparison to the existing Dining Hall.


RBAI’s proposed plans will not compete with any schools seeking public funding. A funding model is in place and voluntary donations will play an important role in the successful delivery of the scheme.


Subject to planning permission, the construction of Phase 1 could commence in the summer of 2025 and be completed by the autumn of 2026. At that point assessment will be given to the timeframe for delivering Phase 2.

RBAI Foundation


College Square East,
Belfast, BT1 6DL

T: 02890 240461

© 2024
The Royal Belfast Academical Institution is registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (Charity Number 108024)

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